April has always been my favorite month. It's just so pretty and springy and it means my birthday is coming! The first weekend in April, we went on a mini-vaca to Las Vegas for my mother-in-laws birthday. My favorite part (besides the shopping and tanning) was riding the roller coaster at New York New York and drinking shots at the Coke Factory. It was so much fun! That roller coaster is definitely one of the scariest I've ever been on! The coke shots were cool because they are different flavors from around the world! There were only three flavors that I thought were disgusting.
We also got the chance to go the Jazz vs Mavericks game! It was so intense! We went into triple overtime and beat the defending champions! Go Jazz! (I don't have any pics)
Then the best part of April came! My 20 birthday! "April 25, not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket." I got the day off and got paid for it (thanks Bob). I woke up in the morning and went to the dentist, four cavities. Whatever. Then Drew took me to Mimi's for brunch. He had to work after, so I just hung out and then I picked him up and we went to Apollo for dinner and went and bought me a cute shirt and earrings at Bohme. Love. Then we went to my mother-in-laws house and I was surprised with a surprise party!!! A bunch of my close friends and family were there and it was a blast! I had so much fun! I am super spoiled by everyone...My dad got me a pink schwinn beach cruiser, Lisa got me a mini cricut, Darin gave me this vintage vanity for my future closet, Britt got me a cake pop machine, Jordi gave me a cute cardi and bird decorations, Julia gave me a yummy candle, Tom and Noelle gave me pretty flowers and a garden decoration, and I can't remember if I've left anything out.
Drew made my birthday week so special. I am such a lucky girl. For my birthday, he let me get Rambo, our love bird. I love Rambo. He is so sweet and he acts just like a little dog. He loves showers, music, car rides and snuggling. It's adorable!
Drew also gave me two beautiful purses and three pairs of gorgeous shoes!
Sorry the pics are kinda small, still haven't figured out this whole blogging thing. I love shoes.

I had an awesome birthday and I'm thankful for everyone who contributed. Especially Drew. He is so wonderful and treats me awesome and I love him so much! Thanks for everything Drew :)
sounds like fun! I love shoes, the best present ever;)