Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nine Loves

1- Overcast/rainy weather. I love waking up to the sound of rain and knowing that it's going to be cloudy and gloomy all day. It makes me soooo happy! Kind of weird, I know. And of course I love any excuse to stay in my sweats and watch movies all day! I swear I should live in Seattle or something.

2- Shopping. Ah. Everyone who knows me knows that this is my most favorite thing to do! I seriously could go shopping every day. I just have an obsession with cute things, I can't help it! I love cute shirts, cute jeans, cute purses, cute earrings and cute shoes. I just love shopping! My two favorite stores to shop at are Target (for everything but clothes) and Abercrombie and Fitch (for clothes). They are my weaknesses. But seriously if I see something cute, I buy it no matter where it's from. My proof? I once found a pair of William Rast jeans at DI for $8. Boo Ya!

3- Decorating. Decorating is so much fun! I love getting a vision in my head of how I want something to look and then making it happen! I love seeing everyone's great ideas on Pinterest on how to make stuff, it's awesome! I have a ton of things I've seen on there that I'm dying to do! I just love being crafty.

4- Watching Movies. Drew and I can basically be considered movie fanatics. We love watching movies! We try to see most movies that come out and then we buy them on DVD if we love them (we have lots). It's been great to have Netflix and HuluPlus on the XBox. Redbox is also our best friend. 

5- Reggie and Rosie. Oh how I love those dumb dogs! There is something fascinating in how you get so attached to animals you love. They are people! This is something that only certain individuals can understand about dogs. I love it. They are so smart too. Like Reggie is so smart that he can actually play hide and seek with me. Seriously. I'll record it sometime and then post it. "A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself." -Josh Billings
*I love my Tweety bird just as much but he is harder to relate to since all he does is stare at his reflection all day. But he sings me pretty songs!

6- Glee. This show just gets me going. The singing is incredible (obviously) but it's the emotions that I share with all the characters that I love. I seriously cry every episode. It's so good! My favorite song that they've done recently is Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror". I can listen to this all day and get shivers every time. I encourage you to listen to it if you haven't. Glee's "Man in the Mirror"

7- Softball. It makes me sad because it was my whole life for seven years and then I stopped playing once I graduated. I have so many memories. It's where I met most of my really good friends. My softball team was the one place where I was a leader and stood out and didn't just blend in like everywhere else. I loved being captain and having all my girlfriends to watch over. It was such an amazing thing to play something I loved for so many years. I lived for it. And I will always have a part of it with me (my fractured hand, my dislocated pinky and those lovely scars on my knees from sliding wrong).

8- Cleaning. I know this is super weird and maybe I'm a little embarrassed to say it but whatever. I have always been a clean person. I just love that satisfied feeling of when you have a mess and then you clean it. I love the stress of having a messy apartment and then one day just giving in and cleaning it. So satisfying! I also like to let our laundry pile up for a long time before I wash it. I'm so weird. The only thing I don't like cleaning is our bathroom. So that's Drew's job. I also like cleaning other people's houses. My whole life I always cleaned my little sister's room for her. She never cleaned it. And now that we don't live together I'm sure it's always a mess :/

9- Drew. I saved the best for last. Drew is the most amazing, genuine, nicest, giving, loving, forgiving and funniest husband ever. You know how in a couple there is always the better person? That's him in our relationship. He is always making sure I have everything I need and that I am taken care of. If I need food at work, he will find a way for me to get some. If I'm going to be late picking him up, he never gripes about, he always says "ok babe no worries." He tells me I look cute every day even when I know I don't. He doesn't even say anything when we go to Walmart and I'm dressed like I belong there. Drew is always putting others before himself. If anyone ever needed anything, Drew would drop everything to help them out. He is awesome like that. And he puts up with all my ridiculousness. He never says rude things about others and he is a way better person than some people give him credit for. I wish everyone in the whole world could know what kind of man Drew is! But then I guess everyone would want him for themselves and he's already taken ;)

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